
Showing posts from 2021

Holi Celebration 2021

  Holi is the most awaited time of the year for me along with other major festivals that happen every year. Holi is not just exciting because it is fun but also the fact that we are still keeping a part of our history and celebrating it till present date. Holi has a legend attached to it which symbolizes the triumph of good over evil ,making it not only a festival to enjoy but also giving meaning and significance to the celebration and something we can learn about. Holi in India is celebrated over 2 days. The first day is of Holika Dahan where a fire is lit and people gather around to perform some rituals and pray that all evils end(within themselves and even in society). Holika Dahan is interesting for me as it marks the start of holi by putting some colour on faces and gathering with everyone where we try to ask for forgiveness and pray for becoming a better human. According to the legend the evil died int he fire so it symbolizes the aspect of going away of the bad. Once the ritua