Lockdown Creativity

Lockdown gave many opportunities to create something beautiful, spare time to do some extra-curricular activities and give time to oneself. This brought out the creative aspects of everyone as they were involved in doing something productive. One could discover themselves and their inner self by doing activities which they find interesting and find peace in. I too love painting because it gives me happiness and helps me to express myself. I saw this painting of Lord Krishna on one of the social media sites and was attracted towards it when I saw it at the first go. It seemed very peaceful and spiritual. So I started painting it in the best way I can and when I finished it I was filled with contentment. Whenever a student starts with an assignment always the result gives him/her happiness because at last all the hard work that was put in pays off. The colours that were shown also were so vibrant and beautiful that it looked like colours were splashed together to create such a scenic portrait.                                                                                          


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